MonobjcMonobjc Documented Class Library
ConfigurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURLOfTypeError Method (url, fileType, error)
NamespacesMonobjc.AppKitNSPersistentDocumentConfigurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURLOfTypeError(NSURL, NSString, NSError%)

Configures the receiver’s persistent store coordinator for a given URL and document type. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5. Use configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType:modelConfiguration:storeOptions:error: instead.)

Original signature is '- (BOOL)configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString *)fileType error:(NSError **)error'

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute("Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5. Use configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType:modelConfiguration:storeOptions:error: instead.")]
public virtual bool ConfigurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURLOfTypeError(
	NSURL url,
	NSString fileType,
	out NSError error
<ObsoleteAttribute("Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5. Use configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType:modelConfiguration:storeOptions:error: instead.")> _
Public Overridable Function ConfigurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURLOfTypeError ( _
	url As NSURL, _
	fileType As NSString, _
	<OutAttribute> ByRef error As NSError _
) As Boolean
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5. Use configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType:modelConfiguration:storeOptions:error: instead.")]
virtual bool ConfigurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURLOfTypeError(
	NSURL^ url, 
	NSString^ fileType, 
	[OutAttribute] NSError^% error
url (NSURL)
An URL that specifies the location of the document's store.
fileType (NSString)
The document type.
error (NSError%)
If the method does not complete successfully, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
Return Value
YES if the method completes successfully, otherwise NO.
Version Information
  • Available in Monobjc Bridge: 10.6 (For Mac OS X 10.6 and later), 10.5 (For Mac OS X 10.5 and later)

Assembly: Monobjc.AppKit (Module: Monobjc.AppKit)