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BeginSheetForDirectoryFileTypesModalForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfo Method (absoluteDirectoryPath, filename, fileTypes, docWindow, modalDelegate, didEndSelector, contextInfo)
NamespacesMonobjc.AppKitNSOpenPanelBeginSheetForDirectoryFileTypesModalForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfo(NSString, NSString, NSArray, NSWindow, Id, IntPtr, IntPtr)

Presents an Open panel as a sheet with the directory specified by absoluteDirectoryPath and optionally the file specified by filename selected. (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.6. Use beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: instead. You can set absoluteDirectoryPath using setDirectoryURL:, and you can set fileTypes using setAllowedFileTypes:.)

Original signature is '- (void)beginSheetForDirectory:(NSString *)absoluteDirectoryPath file:(NSString *)filename types:(NSArray *)fileTypes modalForWindow:(NSWindow *)docWindow modalDelegate:(id)modalDelegate didEndSelector:(SEL)didEndSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo'

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
[ObsoleteAttribute("Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.6. Use beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: instead. You can set absoluteDirectoryPath using setDirectoryURL:, and you can set fileTypes using setAllowedFileTypes:.")]
public virtual void BeginSheetForDirectoryFileTypesModalForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfo(
	NSString absoluteDirectoryPath,
	NSString filename,
	NSArray fileTypes,
	NSWindow docWindow,
	Id modalDelegate,
	IntPtr didEndSelector,
	IntPtr contextInfo
<ObsoleteAttribute("Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.6. Use beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: instead. You can set absoluteDirectoryPath using setDirectoryURL:, and you can set fileTypes using setAllowedFileTypes:.")> _
Public Overridable Sub BeginSheetForDirectoryFileTypesModalForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfo ( _
	absoluteDirectoryPath As NSString, _
	filename As NSString, _
	fileTypes As NSArray, _
	docWindow As NSWindow, _
	modalDelegate As Id, _
	didEndSelector As IntPtr, _
	contextInfo As IntPtr _
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.6. Use beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: instead. You can set absoluteDirectoryPath using setDirectoryURL:, and you can set fileTypes using setAllowedFileTypes:.")]
virtual void BeginSheetForDirectoryFileTypesModalForWindowModalDelegateDidEndSelectorContextInfo(
	NSString^ absoluteDirectoryPath, 
	NSString^ filename, 
	NSArray^ fileTypes, 
	NSWindow^ docWindow, 
	Id^ modalDelegate, 
	IntPtr didEndSelector, 
	IntPtr contextInfo
absoluteDirectoryPath (NSString)
The directory whose files the panel displays. When nil, the directory is the same directory used in the previous invocation of the panel; this is probably the best choice for most situations.
filename (NSString)
Specifies a particular file in absoluteDirectoryPath that is selected when the Open panel is presented to the user. When nil, no file is initially selected.
fileTypes (NSArray)
An array of file extensions and/or HFS file types. Specifies the files the panel allows the user to select. nil makes all files in absoluteDirectoryPath selectable by the user. An array of types passed in here will override one set using setAllowedFileTypes:.
docWindow (NSWindow)
The window to open the sheet on.
modalDelegate (Id)
This is not the same as a delegate assigned to the panel. This delegate is temporary and the relationship only lasts until the panel is dismissed..
didEndSelector (IntPtr)
The message sent to modalDelegate after the modal session has ended, but before dismissing the Open panel. didEndSelector may dismiss the Open panel itself; otherwise, it will be dismissed on return from the method. The corresponding method should have the following signature:
contextInfo (IntPtr)
Any context information passed to modalDelegate in the didEndSelector message.
Version Information
  • Available in Monobjc Bridge: 10.6 (For Mac OS X 10.6 and later), 10.5 (For Mac OS X 10.5 and later)

Assembly: Monobjc.AppKit (Module: Monobjc.AppKit)