MonobjcMonobjc Documented Class Library
SearchElementForPropertyLabelKeyValueComparison Method (property, label, key, value, comparison)
NamespacesMonobjc.AddressBookABPersonSearchElementForPropertyLabelKeyValueComparison(NSString, NSString, NSString, Id, ABSearchComparison)

Returns a search element object that specifies a query for records of this type.

Original signature is '+ (ABSearchElement *)searchElementForProperty:(NSString *)property label:(NSString *)label key:(NSString *)key value:(id)value comparison:(ABSearchComparison)comparison'

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public static ABSearchElement SearchElementForPropertyLabelKeyValueComparison(
	NSString property,
	NSString label,
	NSString key,
	Id value,
	ABSearchComparison comparison
Public Shared Function SearchElementForPropertyLabelKeyValueComparison ( _
	property As NSString, _
	label As NSString, _
	key As NSString, _
	value As Id, _
	comparison As ABSearchComparison _
) As ABSearchElement
static ABSearchElement^ SearchElementForPropertyLabelKeyValueComparison(
	NSString^ property, 
	NSString^ label, 
	NSString^ key, 
	Id^ value, 
	ABSearchComparison comparison
property (NSString)
The name of the property to search on, such as kABAddressProperty or kABLastNameProperty. This name cannot be nil. For a full list of the properties, see “Default Record Properties” in Address Book Objective-C Constants Reference and “Default Person Properties” in Address Book Objective-C Constants Reference.
label (NSString)
The label name for a multivalue list, such as kABAddressHomeLabel, kABPhoneWorkLabel, or a user-specified label, such as Summer Home. If the specified property does not have multiple values, pass nil. If the specified property does have multiple values, pass nil to search all the values. For a full list of label names, see “Default Multivalue List Labels” in Address Book Objective-C Constants Reference and “Generic Multivalue List Labels” in Address Book Objective-C Constants Reference.
key (NSString)
The key name for a dictionary, such as kABAddressCityKey or kABAddressStreetKey. If the specified property is not a dictionary, pass nil. If the specified property is a dictionary, pass nil to search all keys. For a full list of key names, see “Address Keys” in Address Book Objective-C Constants Reference.
value (Id)
What you’re searching for. If nil, then the only supported value for comparison is kABEqual or kABNotEqual.
comparison (ABSearchComparison)
The type of comparison to perform, such as kABEqual or kABPrefixMatchCaseInsensitive.
Return Value

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Monobjc.AddressBook.ABPerson.SearchElementForPropertyLabelKeyValueComparison(Monobjc.Foundation.NSString,Monobjc.Foundation.NSString,Monobjc.Foundation.NSString,Monobjc.Id,Monobjc.AddressBook.ABSearchComparison)"]

Version Information
  • Available in Monobjc Bridge: 10.6 (For Mac OS X 10.6 and later), 10.5 (For Mac OS X 10.5 and later)

Assembly: Monobjc.AddressBook (Module: Monobjc.AddressBook)